Smart Marketing 2.0 - Latest Digital Marketing Tactics and Strategies

The Best Way To Prospect! #018

Justin Lester & Jason Bagley

This week Jason and Justin, well....Jason..takes you through the best ways of prospecting clients online. These can be for using e-mail marketing, or really just making a great database of prospective clients to reach out to via phone. Using the LinkedIn sales navigator is a great way to discover your ideal client and find prospects that match the profile. There are ways of working out the revenue of companies and understanding exactly what companies are looking for online. The team also discuss more fantastic lead matching tools. So tune in and enjoy the talk!

Justin Lester Instagram///LinkedIn

Jason Bagley Instagram///LinkedIn

spk_0:   0:00
group often ingested. Why's

spk_1:   0:01
that was the afternoon? Because his Nazi lazy to come in the morning. Maybe that's

spk_0:   0:07
a lie either, but I think we get our best work done in the hard core work done in the morning and often moons is like when we get

spk_1:   0:15
checked. Yeah. Yeah. Fair enough. You have to worry about right. But so today I'm taking the day off and I will be handing over to

spk_0:   0:24
you. What are we talking about? Well, Justin, you sit back there, my friend. You just listen to this. The knowledge bombs are gonna drop in this episode on the best ways to prospect. So just to quickly give a quick overview of this is obviously what you wanted to do is prospect to bull the list off people. You either want to cold email to try and set up meetings, possibly with or get them to maybe attained a webinar Donald A. Pdf That type of stuff. But most probably it's too to set up meetings with them. Or secondly, you could use this boulder list like this or prospecting bowled a list too into to use for your custom audiences or re marketing with that type of stuff, but it definitely more private, mostly for court emailing or getting in touch with people getting the right context. Okay, that's the premise behind it. There's only two ways you can either do it yourself just the long and hard way, or you can have it done for you. So if we before he's just before kickoff into that before you start, you're gonna make sure you know who you wanting to find. So you're gonna know who your ideal client is. What are they? Were they located? You know, that's if location is a thing for your business. Um, what size company that possibly work in own, um, is it could be things on what job titles you're trying to target on. They could be things around revenue that they're making now. You can always find revenue numbers, but you could extrapolate the fact that they're in a specific industry and in a specific industry with X number of staff equals a certain revenue number, give or take a couple of you know, maybe hundreds of thousands. Yeah, nails

spk_1:   2:10
that the less that I suppose

spk_0:   2:12
listed companies are so like, What is that ideal client and write that out first so that you know, you're starting with and then you can use obviously. Sorry, great place to start is linked in sales Navigator. So linked in cell Never get you're gonna use that, too. And I think the first thing to start with linked in sales never get it is look, att one of your Either you're current clients, right? Or look at one of the competitors to find out what job titles you're looking for is some kind of companies in some countries use different job titles. So you need to figure out that list of job titles that you wanting to go off them. Search with that in Lincoln Cell Navigate, and you can search all this exact location and all that I'm related to.

spk_1:   2:49
This is the sales. Forget Is that a separate product, or is that a Is that built in within? I mean,

spk_0:   2:55
it's like a separate product. Would you go to pay for that? So you could actually find out if you can just do it with a basic with freed, as everyone has, like a basic Lincoln account and start searching that giving you all this filters Bijou the venture was gonna happen is that they're going to stop you to help care where you don't Too many searches. Okay, little cap. You, um where's thinks in cells? Never gonna want the Oh, so that's the starting point. Yeah, but starting the free one, it's great. And then use a tool. So now, once things you found these people you've listed them you got there is sort of linked in. You're also you're looking at a nice list that you sort of bolting on LinkedIn, but you don't have contact details, and you don't want to send them an in male or connect with them. So then there's two tools you can use that these are sort of found work the best. A whole bunch of these, but the most impressive one. I've found his lead IQ's lead i q dot com and another one similar to that. A road leads to do exactly the same thing. It's a little Google Google chrome plug in, and what it does is your see you have to do to pay for them off the couple of prospects. But what it does is once you've pulled up the list, it's on open on LinkedIn, you click the leader que Britain and it. They literally list every single one of those people. And with their contact details with you, no company name company you're out. All of that information cell members if they've got them, too. Andi databases really, really massive, and they've obviously was trolling and finding that there's up to date contacted. So that's great. And you could just, literally, from their export that data and you bought yourself a list and go to keep going. Obviously, a different companies, different industries, all of that type of thing. So that's do it yourself. It's pretty manual. It's it really is time consuming. I mean, this isn't like a 15 20 minute job, not even our job. Then you could spend hours 4 to 5

spk_1:   4:40
hours a day building lists. What is lead ikey cost? Roughly. I think

spk_0:   4:44
it started about $60 a month for about I think about 1000 contact details, so that's roughly what you looking at on your Then you've done it yourself, and you can feel proud of yourself when you haven't any other work for the rest of the day. Just being finding people on. You haven't even spoken to single one, right? So that's two. Fit yourself. But then done for you is really, really smart. So this is what I tell everyone they should be doing because it's really, really cost effective, and it takes away the pain of doing it yourself and gets used. Bring one into sales meetings and growing your business versus sitting in trolling, linked in all day long. So to tools in the jail 12 years up work approach dot com It's a freelancer network with other people that are available to do pretty much anything for you when it comes to business, from designing your lager to writing content for you. Social media, blah, blah, blah the whole distance there, check it out. An amazing sight. But what you're gonna find on they are a bunch of people that are great at prospecting. So view search a cup of these, a couple of key words that you can use linked in less Boulder email list. Boulder Prospect Finder and linked in lead generation. So any one of those sort of key words you could mix and match those are gonna come up with a bunch of people that do this for day in, dead on. Amazing at it. A couple of filters you wanna enter This is Make sure you're paying. To be honest with you, you don't You shouldn't be paying them or than $10 on our ah nde. The reason why I say that there's no the people that are doing this on normally in countries like the Philippines, you know, Southeast Asia. That's everything. We This is actually a decent amount of money thing. They can do it really, really well. So that's the one thing off fund is not like. You pay prospect of $50 an hour, you're going to get exponentially better results. Um, it's they pretty much gonna be the same. So I think that's just one on that side. And then look for someone's job. Success is more than 90%. That means they're great, someone easy to work with on the dancing work for other people already on up work. And I've done some deep and got some decent ratings. So that's finding the right person. And then what you couldn't do? It also Austin for a little test list to give them your ideal clients that they can have a little five or 10 list. People just see if they are up to the top of data they give you and then two things for them that you want to. Um, you know, falter fall. We're not fault. Divorce when you give them the brief is number one unless you want us. But obviously for us, we say rather not is Don't said. And you won't accept any Gmail. Hotmail Any free email addresses of clients prospects? Because you obviously looking for businesses so they should have business business, Human agrees. I'II Domain's not email addresses. That's the one, and the other one is. Make sure they validate the list prior to submitting it to you so they'll know what tools to use that I'll use. Probably. Service is like never bound Start. Carmen's an example, but tell them please to validate the list price. Submitting it to that means it's also a high probability of not bouncing those human addresses bouncing because they're after dates and you should be able to Boulder list of, let's say, 100 people for anywhere between 30 to 40 $50 at the most, and that is if you think about what your hourly rate is if you have to cost that out as the cost of software and software and all of those things you to do 100 probably gonna do any of the five and 10 an hour if you're doing it yourself and don't. So the payoff is great and you've got something can always do this task for you and keep on bold and keep on holding. So you are. That is any questions on that, Justin,

spk_1:   8:22
that's pretty comprehensive. Okay, thanks so much. I feel more otherwise. Good. Book yourself a listener. So I just need to hire someone to go and do it for them. Exactly. Exactly. Cool. Awesome, man. Well, listen, guys, thanks so much for you. Like what Jason had to say today. Uh, drop a comment and let us know of the net. Five star all the good stuff, and we'll see you guys next week. Yes, please. Cheers.